
efficient, responsive and cost effective

It is a statutory requirement to examine all lifting equipment and accessories periodically. There are specific requirements under the Health & Safety at Work Act (1972) that require owners/users/operators of equipment/machinery, ensure that it is properly maintained and examined/inspected within the prescribed time period.

Health & Safety

It is a statutory requirement to have all lifting equipment and assessories examined periodically

More specifically, under the Health & Safety at Work Act 1972, there are certain requirements under the Provision & Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER 1998) and further under the Lifting Operations & Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER 1998).


There is a requirement under this regulation for owners/users/operators of work equipment to consider the degree of risk (Risk Assessment) relating to equipment and machinery and its use.

They must act upon those findings and decide the action to be taken to either eliminate or reduce those risks to a level that is considered acceptable. That action, may result in providing a maintenance program for their equipment and/or having their equipment thoroughly examined by a competent person.

(Engineer Surveyor – Peninsula Inspection Service)


In addition to those requirements in PUWER, there is also legal requirement under the LOLER regs for the owner/users of Lifting Equipment/Assessories to ensure that equipment is properly maintained, fit for the purpose for which it are to be used, and when used, should be safe to do so throughout the entire operation.

It should also should be thoroughly examined by a competent person within a specified time.

(Engineer Surveyor – Peninsula Inspection Service)